Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pino Silvestre

I used to buy this in Little Italy, back in the 80`s. There was a store in Mulberry Street that had all types of hard to find Italian things, including my beloved cologne. One day, the store, like most of Little Italy, disappeared, and I moved to Miami Beach.

When I went to ~Big Italy~ in 2011, one of my main quests in the expedition was coming back with a load of Pino Silvestre. I was dumbfounded with the difficulty I had finding the product in Rome and Florence. Perfume stores looked at me like I had two heads, pharmacies did not carry it, and I was told to go to supermarkets!

Then, one day we were walking in Florence, and came into a store owned by a Pakistani fellow. I told him about my predicament, and he readily picked up the phone and sent a guy to pick two bottles at a friend's store. I was excited.

In another part of town, we ended up inside a toiletry-hardware combo store (!!!, only in Italy this is possible), and sure, found it there. Not only the cologne, but also bath oil.

So my trip was not wasted, after all!

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